BAZ汽车灯头量规 7006-11C-1
PURPOSE: To check dimensions A max., D1 min., D1 max., L max. and the angular displacement of the pins of caps BAZ15d on finished lamps.
a) To check dimension A max. and the angular displacement of the pins.
With the cap entering the gauge at surface W and the pins locating in the slots provided, it shall be possible to insert the cap to such a depth that the reference (lower) pin is below surface Y.
To check this, the cap is rotated in the appropriate direction until the pin is visible in the cutaway.
b) To check dimensions D1 min. and D1 max.
At he successful completion of the test to check dimension A max. in a) above and with the cap still in the gauge, a pull is applied to the cap to bring the upper surface of the reference pin into contact with surface Y. With the cap in this position, the contact making surfaces shall be co-planar with or project beyond suface X but they shall not project beyond surface Z.
c) To check dimension L max.
With the cap held in the gauge as in b) above with the reference pin visible in the cutaway, the cap is rotated slowly while under tension until the reference pin is not visible in the cutaway.
During the transition, no obstruction to rotation shall be felt.
1. 燃烧试验检测设备:水平垂直燃烧试验仪、针焰试验仪、漏电起痕试验仪、灼热线丝试验仪、单根电线电缆垂直燃烧试验仪;
2. 电器防护及可靠性检测产品:弹簧冲击锤、球压试验仪、标准试验指针销、试验弯指、UL试验指、试验指甲、试验直指、试验棒、试验探针、稳定性试验台、摆锤冲击试验装置、滚桶跌落试验机、插拔力试验机、开关按键寿命试验机、吸油烟机空气性能试验装置、风量测量试验装置、弹性外壳机械强度试验装置、标准试验锅、插头力矩实验装置、插座扭力装置、灯具防风罩、温升测试角等;
3. 电气电子测试仪:晶振测试仪,耐压测试仪、接地电阻测试仪、绝缘电阻测试仪、泄漏电流测试仪、LCR数字电桥、示波器、红外辐照计、紫外辐照计等;
4. 安规检测设备:B15灯头量规,B22灯头量规,E10灯头量规,E12灯头量规,E14灯头量规,E17灯头量规,E26灯头量规,E27灯头量规,E39灯头量规,E40灯头量规,GZ10灯头量规,GU10灯头量规,G5灯头量规,G13灯头量规,其它灯头量规,MR16灯头量规,MR11灯头量规,国标GB1002/GB1003插头插座量规,英标BS1363插头插座量规,德标VDE0620-1插头插座量规,欧标EN50075插头插座量规,澳标AS/NZS3112插头插座量规等;
5. 淋水试验装置:IPX1/IPX2垂直滴水试验机,IPX3/IPX4摆管淋雨试验机,IPX3/IPX4花洒头淋雨试验喷嘴,IPX5/IPX6强喷头试验装置,智能供水系统,试验转台,综合控制柜,IPX7浸水箱,IPX8压力式浸水试验;
6. 各类非标检测设备:可根据GB、IEC、UL等标准定做各类非标设备。
联系人: 李先生
电 话: 0755-33168386
传 真: 0755-61605199
手 机: 13751010017
Q Q: 320300123
旺 旺: 安规测试
邮 箱:
地 址: 广东省深圳市宝安区西乡大道与宝安大道交汇处宝和大厦6F
邮 编: 518102
- 上一篇:BAY汽车灯头量规 7006-11B-2 2015/10/25
- 下一篇:GB16844/IEC60968 图3 B22灯头扭矩测试量 2015/10/25